J + L
Pure. Random. Happy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Why can't it wait

At least until after Halloween.
I'm not ready!
I don't want to begin the regime of scraping off my windows and turning on the car right when I get up in the morning so that it is warm enough for me to drive in.
I don't want to.

-picture of my car window this morning-
It is so pretty to look at though....
I know I shouldn't be complaining.  
I live in Utah for goodness sake!  
We are known for our great winter resorts!
I'm just not a winter person.  
I don't really enjoy being cold.  
I do, however, like being in my cozy socks and leggings with a cup of hot chocolate watching a movie while the world is white around me.  
THAT I'm definitely okay with.
Happy Friday.

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