I probably napped a total of 5 hours that day just recuperating. yikes. Later that night we celebrated our run with rita's... oh man. When we were visiting family in PA last year we couldn't get enough of Rita's! It was only on the east coast though. FINALLY two opened up here in Utah and we couldn't wait to go!
Go get some.... seriously. And get the gelati. It will never fail you. We had dinner with the in-laws on Sunday and everyone was there except the Woods clan from Indiana. We missed you guys...
So a pretty good weekend for sure! It is always such a bummer on Mondays with the knowledge that is it back to the ol' grind with work and school. Reality can suck sometimes. Justin surprised me with roses last night though. Those along with a clean house, dishes done, and laundry going... I mean COME ON!
I am seriously the luckiest girl.
happy hump day!
Worked on some jewelry for the shop over the weekend too! Find the new designs here!
Worked on some jewelry for the shop over the weekend too! Find the new designs here!